Year 4
Welcome to Year 4!
The Year 4 teachers are Mrs. Corrigan and Miss Taylor (Birch) and Mr. Dudley (Hazel).
The teaching assistants who will support you in your learning are Mrs. C Faulkner and Mr. Davies.
Have a look at our 'Curriculum Information' document to find out what we will be learning about during the Autumn term Term.
PE will take place every Monday and Friday during Autumn 2. Please make sure that you bring your PE kit to school in a bag when it is your PE day or keep it here on your peg all week!
Each day your child will need to bring into school:
- A coat
- A water bottle with water
- A book bag with their reading book and diary
- A healthy snack (fruit or vegetables only please)
- A lunchbox if they are not having a school dinner
Read about your child's learning this year here ...
Y4 Life-Long Learners Curriculum Plan for the Autumn Term
Y4 Life-Long Learners Curriculum Plan for the Spring Term
Y4 Life-Long Learners Curriculum Plan Spring 2025
Homework is an important part of supporting your child's learning in school. Reading at least 3 times per week at home with an adult signature in the reading diary will support your child's reading and develop a love of books. Spelling and maths homework will be given out each week. The weekly spelling test will be every Friday.
If you have any further questions please use Class DOJO to find out more
Year 4 will be taking part in the government's 'Year 4 Multiplication Tables Check' in June 2025. For this, the children are given 25 times tables questions to answer. They have 6 seconds to answer each question and input this onto a computer. They will receive a total score out of 25. For more information please view the document below.
Useful websites and information:
Childline This will potentially be a difficult time for your children with changes to routine and not being able to see their friends. Here are some useful tips, resources and contacts to help your child should you notice them struggling.
Daily Maths Lessons White Rose are posting daily videos and worksheets that directly link with the National Curriculum to help you support your child's learning. Please click on the link to find out more.
Newsround Y4 love watching Newsround. Why not build a regular 6 minute slot into your day to catch up with the day's news with your child or children. It is updated three times a day and there are lots of articles to explore on the web page, too. How about having a go at writing your own newspaper article based on on of the day's stories and then send it in to school on Seesaw?
Hit the Button Practise your times tables with this fabulous game
TTRS Even though we will not be likely to be taking the Multiplication Tables Check, it is vital that the children are fluent with their recall of every times table and their related divisions up to 12 x 12. Please practise regularly on Times Tables Rock Stars in order to give yourselves the best start in Year 5 in the next academic year.
BBC Super Movers Get fit and learn with BBC Super Movers. There are a wide range of videos to help you learn key maths and English skills as well as all the other subjects. Please take a look and get learning in a fun and fit way!
Extra FREE resources If you have any spare time once you have completed school-set tasks and you are looking for extra challenges, feel free to dip into some of the many free resources that companies are providing on their websites. Here is a link to many of them: