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Welcome to Northfield Primary and Nursery School.

At Northfield we provide a safe, secure and stimulating environment where all the children are treated as individuals. We have high expectations for all pupils as we strive to offer the best possible teaching and support to our children. We pride ourselves on having open approachable access to all. 

Our curriculum is broad and balanced. It provides meaningful experiences through the development of the key skills of reading, writing, communication and mathematics.

In addition we feel it is important that children are able to achieve personal success and can find a sense of achievement in school. All effort is valued and a sense of self-worth is fostered. Children are expected to learn, work and play co-operatively and are helped to develop the skills of self- discipline, together with respect for others and their environment.

We believe that school, parents / carers and children will be most successful when all work together as a team. We will do all we can to create and foster positive relationships between all members of our school community.

Julie Jenkins

Head Teacher

About our School

How school is organised

Northfield Primary School opened in September 2001.  The school is currently made up of Foundation 1 (Nursery) which caters for children aged 3 to 4, Foundation 2, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2. The school is located on an attractive site on Cox’s Lane, Mansfield Woodhouse. Classes are organised as single or mixed aged groups depending on numbers admitted during the year.  Children begin Foundation 1 on a part-time basis and become full-time when they transfer to Foundation 2, in line with our admissions policy. Children are admitted to Foundation 1 according to age. 

The School Day

Foundation 1 (Nursery) - Younger children (1 session)          

morning 8.45am – 11.45am

Foundation 2 - Older children (full day)

morning 8.45am – 11.45am

afternoon 1.00pm – 3.15pm                         

Key Stage 1 (Infants)                                    

morning 8.45am – 12.05pm

afternoon 1.10pm –  3.15pm

Key Stage 2 (Juniors)                                   

morning 8.45am – 12.05pm

afternoon 12.55pm –  3.15pm

When children transfer into school please help them to settle in easily by making sure they arrive on time and are collected promptly at the end of the session.

The school gates will be opened at 8.35am ready for a prompt start at 8.45am. Children should not be on school premises before 8.35 a.m. or after 3.25 p.m. unless attending breakfast or after school clubs

Please note that there is no smoking on school premises.

When first starting school we encourage parents to bring their children into the building in order to help them settle. As children get older we encourage them to develop independence by coming in themselves. This helps with congestion in the cloakrooms too!