PSHE and RSE Progression Plan
Personal, Social, Health Education (PSHE) and Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) at Northfield
At Northfield, from years 1 to 6 we use the scheme Talking Points to deliver the government guidance on Health and Relationships education. It uses picture books as a starting point to get children talking about their own health and mental wellbeing as well as addressing other issues such as managing money and understanding democracy. Its aim is to develop children’s understanding of themselves, their emotions and how to deal with others. It also teaches the children how to stay safe in many situations and who to speak to if they are ever worried or concerned. The same format has been planned for foundation stage 2 (FS2) pupils by school staff.
Each Talking Point has been linked to the Protected Characteristics and British Values to ensure there is a thread of them through the PSHE curriculum.
The Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) is supplemented with resources from Yasmin and Tom. As parents/carers, you will be informed of the sex education lessons, prior to these being taught with information about the content of the lesson and when this will be taught. This will give you the chance to ask any questions if you wish. (Please refer to the PSHE policy for further guidance.)
The links below give information for each year groups Talking Points. The books used are subject to change if the correct book cannot be sourced.