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At Northfield Primary and Nursery School, we have a strong sense of equality.

We firmly believe that every child is unique and individual and should be treated as so. Every adult is unique and individual and treated as so too! We celebrate diversity and encourage everyone to proud of who they are. 

Through regular assemblies, our diverse curriculum, a wide variety of books shared in school and joining in with a variety of National fund-raising events such as World Mental Health day, Children in Need and many more we guide children in understanding and celebrating our diverse world.

Through our one community, to be healthy, life-long learning (legacy) and four corners of the world curriculum drivers, we aim to help children understand the diversity of people's beliefs, cultures and customs in modern Britain, and to see that differences and similarities are something to be welcomed and celebrated. 'We have more in common than that which divides us.' (Ref: Jo Cox).

As a school we are covered by the public sector equality duty and the Equality Act 2010 (Specific Duties) Regulations 2011. Below are details of how we are complying with the public sector equality duty and our school's equality objectives. If you have any questions related to Equality please do get in touch with our school office and we will be more than happy to discuss them. 

Equality Policy and Objectives