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Information and Forms


If your child is ill and cannot attend school, please telephone us on 01623 625589 on the first day of absence and let us know. All absences now have to be accounted for and reported to the Department for Education.

Parents are expected to take holidays during the 12 week school holiday period. Holiday leave can only be authorised by the Head Teacher if it meets the 'exceptional circumstances' criteria and is a 'one-off' or unavoidable event. Parents wishing to request additional leave of absence, should complete a 'withdrawal from learning' form explaining the exceptional circumstance.


Number of pupils of compulsory school age (Y1 – Y6 children)           303

Percentage of sessions missed through authorised absence                2.6%   

Percentage of sessions missed through unauthorised absence            1.7%

Parents in school

We enjoy tremendous support from our parents in many different ways. Open Evenings are held in the autumn and spring terms, when there is an opportunity for parents to see their child’s work and discuss progress with the class teacher.  Then a “show time” in the summer term where children have the opportunity to share their work with parents and celebrate their successes.  It is very important for children to feel that their parents are interested.

Invitations are also issued regularly for parents to attend curriculum evenings, social events, concerts etc. and these are always well supported.

We also welcome parents into school to help out with a variety of activities. Most come in on a regular basis and help out in the classroom, accompany the children on visits, or help with baking, reading or library activities etc. Any parent working in school on a regular basis will require an enhanced DBS certificate.

Golden Rules

Useful Forms & Information

Visiting arrangements

The Head Teacher will be pleased to see parents at any time throughout the day. It would be helpful if an appointment was made first in order to ensure that she is available. We are happy to show you around our school. We are very proud of it!

Transfer to The Manor Academy

We are part of the Manor Family of Schools and work closely with the comprehensive school to make moving up as smooth as possible.  There is good liaison with Manor throughout the primary phase, children are invited to school productions and a variety of sporting and curriculum events.  When the children reach Year 6 there is an induction programme which enables them to find out more about their next school and prepare them for the move.

Any concerns

We would prefer to talk about any little problems before they become big ones. Similarly, if we are concerned about your child we will contact you and arrange to discuss the matter. We cannot promise to keep everybody happy all the time, but by working together and helping each other we can provide the best education for your children while they are with us.  If you are worried or concerned about your child’s learning or general welfare we will be pleased for you to contact school where we will do what we can to help.

Caring for your Children

The well being and care of children is the main concern of all members of staff. In addition we have members of staff who are qualified in First Aid. In cases of accident or illness children are cared for in school until a parent can be contacted. We therefore ask you to keep us informed of any changes in emergency contact arrangements.

Please tell us if there are any health or personal problems which will help us to understand your child better. This information will be held in confidence.

The school nurse comes into school on a regular basis and supports both children and parents, she can be contacted on 01623 420692. All children will have at least one health check whilst at Northfield.

Equal opportunities

Northfield is committed to creating a positive environment in which respect for and appreciation of each other’s gender, race and cultural background is paramount.  Equality of opportunity is not an “add on” feature of school life and the curriculum, but is implicit in the overall aims and values of the school.  It demands equal access to educational experiences regardless of race, ability, sex or cultural background and any special educational needs.


There are four entrances into school; two main accesses on Cox’s Lane, one at the back from Northfield Park and one from Charnwood Grove.  At 9.00 am, for security reasons, all gates are locked and access to school will be through a single point of entry, the main entrance on Cox’s lane.  Gates will be unlocked prior to the end of the school day.

If you bring your child by car please be careful where you park, as it gets very congested at the front of school. The zig-zag lines on the road must be kept clear for the safety of all children. In addition, we occasionally get complaints from residents living nearby because their entrances have been blocked.  We do ask you to consider others so that we can all live peacefully and safely together.

Under no circumstances should the rear entrance to the car parks be used by parents or children because of the potential danger from cars and delivery vehicles.

Please note also that dogs are not allowed on school grounds.

Behaviour \ Discipline

We believe that home and school should work in partnership so each child receives a Home-School Agreement and a copy of our “Golden Rules.”  Children are made aware of the school rules and are encouraged to see the need for self-discipline. They are expected to conform to acceptable standards of behaviour in order to make our school a safe and happy place in which to learn and play.

Our emphasis is upon the positive aspects of behaviour and we believe strongly in praising and rewarding children. Where children do misbehave, privileges will be withdrawn and children are expected, where possible, to make amends.

Parents will be informed if there is a serious or continual problem with their child.

Suspected Child Abuse

Every school in Nottinghamshire is required to follow a set procedure in cases of suspected child abuse. Head Teachers are required to refer any concerns to Children and Young People’s Services (formerly Social Services) for further investigation so that children at risk can be identified quickly.

This procedure is intended to protect children from abuse. When a school refers a pupil to the Children and Young People’s Services, it is not accusing the parents of abuse but requesting that further investigation takes place to establish whether a child is at risk.

Breakages and Damage to School Property

The School Governing Body reserves the right to seek reparation from parents where their children cause breakages or damage to school property.