Foundation 2
Welcome to Foundation 2
Teaching team in F2
Oak Class Mrs Eeles and Miss Wallace
Elm Class Mrs Theaker (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday), Mr Brehaut (Thursday, Friday) and Miss Wallace
Forest School
Children will take part in Forest School every Monday during the school year. Children will need to come to school every Monday in their school uniform. They will need to bring a named bag with named jogging bottoms/leggings, a named top, a pair of named wellies and a named puddle suit in, these can be purchased in most supermarkets at the moment.
Read about your child's learning this year here ...
F2 Life-Long Learners Curriculum Plans
FS2 Life-Long Learners Curriculum Plan Spring Term 2025.
FS2 Life-long Learners Curriculum Plan Summer Term 2025 (Awaiting content)
Please read with your child daily. Your child has a reading journal in their book bag to record in when you have read with your child. Reading book should be brought to school every day in their red Northfield bag.
Parent and carers guide to pronouncing phonemes
Letters and Sounds for home and school guide for pronouncing phonemes. Watch to find out how to pronounce the sounds we use in the lesson videos. New Phonics...
PE will start in November, on Friday afternoons. Please make sure that children bring in named Northfield PE kit in a kit bag and ensure all jewellery, including earrings, are removed.
Homework will be set at the beginning of each half term. Your child will have four homework challenges to complete every half term. Homework challenges will include a writing, reading, mathematics and expressive arts challenge.
Details of the challenges set will be on Dojo.
CBeebies Radio Listen to this week’s CBeebies Radio.