Year 5
Welcome to Year 5
Willow class (5CR) Mr Rock and Mrs Kanalas
Poplar class (5KS) Miss Simmonds, Mrs Ingram and Mrs Dalton
See the Year 5 termly Life-Long Learning Curriculum Plan to find out what your child will be learning.
PE Days in Autumn Two will be THURSDAY and FRIDAY. Thursday will be dodgeball, indoors, in the key stage two hall. Friday will be a fitness based session, outdoors, on the key stage two playground. Please ensure that your child brings their school PE kit every Thursday and Friday, including suitable trainers.
Please remember to bring into school:
- A coat
- A water bottle with water
- A book bag with your reading book and diary
- A healthy snack if you wish
- A lunch box if you are not having a school dinner
Planned Educational Visits for this year:
- Autumn Term - Library Visit (17.12.24 am)
- Spring Term - Viking Day at Perlethorpe (03.03.25).
- Science Visitor, Jungle Jo.
- Summer Term - Space Centre/Sherwood Observatory
Homework is an important part of supporting your child's learning in school. Reading at least 3 times per week at home with an adult signature in the reading diary will support your child's reading and develop a love of books. Spelling and maths homework will be given out each week. The weekly spelling test will be every Friday. Weekly maths homework will be using MATHSWATCH. Your child needs a login and password.
If you have any further questions, or wish to find out more, please use Class DOJO to get in touch.
Read about your child's learning this year here ...
Year 5 Life-Long Learners Curriculum Plan Autumn Term 2024. Please read to find out about your child's learning this term.
Year 5 Life-Long Learners Curriculum Plan Spring Term 2025. (Awaiting content)
Year 5 Life-long Learners Curriculum Plan Summer Term 2025 (Awaiting content)
Find out more about the 'Viking Day' at Perlethorpe Click on the link for a video to show more information about this day.
Childline This will potentially be a difficult time for your children with changes to routine and not being able to see their friends. Here are some useful tips, resources and contacts to help your child should you notice them struggling.
Free Audio and Ebooks for you to enjoy online with your child :-)
Here are some useful websites to support your child's learning.
Hit the Button Practise your times tables with this fabulous game
Grammar Fun Know your proper nouns from your common ones with these fun and informative games.
Dance Mat Typing Learn to type the fun way!
BBC Supermovers Keep fit and have fun while learning