Year 6
Welcome to Year 6 - Hornbeam and Hawthorn
The Year 6 teachers are Miss Clark (Hornbeam) and Mr Windibank (Hawthorn).
They supported by our wonderful teaching assistants Mrs K. Faulkner and Mr Davies (Hornbeam) and Mrs Greaves (Hawthorn).
PE will take place every Tuesday and Friday during the Autumn term.
Please ensure you have your Northfield PE kit in school on this day every week.
Please remember to bring into school:
- A coat
- A water bottle with water
- A book bag with your reading book and diary
- A healthy snack (a piece of fruit/veg) if you wish
- A lunch box, if you are not having a school dinner
Read about your child's learning this year here ...
Year 6 Life-Long Learners Curriculum Plans
Y6 Life-Long Learners Curriculum Plan Spring 2025
It is expected that Year 6 children will read at home at least 3 times every week. Reading journals will be checked on a Monday morning with a Dojo point awarded for each read that takes place.
Maths homework will be set weekly online via Maths Watch and Times Tables Rockstars. Please use the following links:
Spellings will be set weekly and shared in the children's spelling book and via our Class Dojo page. Children will receive their weekly spellings every Friday and be tested on these words the following Friday.
Childline This will potentially be a difficult time for your children with changes to routine and not being able to see their friends. Here are some useful tips, resources and contacts to help your child should you notice them struggling.